Uomini come Cibo (Human as Food), EXPO 2015, Milan
A site-specific installation in the former EuroImmobiliare bank in Via Monte di Pietà, in collaboration with Max Mara and Collezione Maramotti.
AdE occupies, for almost four months, the spaces freed from an investment bank in the centre of Milan, transforming it into a den of animals that completely derail the sense of EXPO. The Popebird's Nasty Stepbrother, The King of Death, The Huge Iron Spider From Curnasco, The Sexual Sharkist Kissing Its Own Wounds, The Naked Man Biter, The Relative-Eating Bone Grinder, The Killer Worm Eating All Those Who Cross The Sea, The Isopod Mud and Blood They Call Me Mongoloid and I React and Defend Myself, The Phoenix Who at Night Punishes Davide Who Beats Up the Children, and so on...
Implacable creatures with jaws and fangs who, become good heroes capable of Justice. Justice that in the AdE imagination becomes bloody, sometimes, when necessary. Hence the assault on the specific theme of EXPO 2015 and its derailment: HUMANS AS FOOD, Animals that feed themselves exclusively on men.
Never seen, never heard, never told.